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Apple Crumble (Large serve) - $15.00

The sweetness of apples from our local farmers, peeled and baked, blended with a small vanilla drop, topped with handmade crumble that makes this pie irresistable.

Apple Crumble (Single Serve) - $8.00

Crunchy crumble, soft baked apples, a hint sugar, add ice cream and you are in sweet street heaven.

Bread 'n' Butter Pudding (Large Serve) - $16.00

Ye old fashioned pudding of yesteryear. This pudding is made with freshly baked bread, filled with a creamy vanilla milk sauce and soft sweet sultanas. Take this pudding to the next family gathering and be upgraded to the golden child'.

Bread 'n' Butter Pudding (Single Serve) - $10.00

The sweetness of milk creamer, soft baked bread with sweetness of sultanas makes this a winning dessert from the 60’s.

Apple Pie (Large Serve) - $20.00

Traditional apple pie cased with sweet pastry and that little sprinkle of sugar to get you hooked!

We offer a selection of gluten-free treats among our menu items. Feel free to ask about the gluten-free options available for our slices and desserts.